路易斯安那州启动330M项目 恢复毛雷帕斯沼泽地 将密西西比河水分流 Louisiana launches $330M project to restore Maurepas Swamp by diverting Mississippi River water.
路易斯安那州启动了一个3.3亿美元的项目,通过将密西西比河水转移到176平方英里的湿地来恢复毛雷帕斯沼泽地。 Louisiana has started a $330 million project to restore the Maurepas Swamp by diverting Mississippi River water into the 176-square-mile wetland. 重新引入毛雷帕斯沼泽地的河流将沿着一条5.5英里的道路,每秒输送2 000立方英尺的水进入沼泽地,目的是在目前不到三分之一的森林保持健康的地方恢复约45 000英亩土地。 The River Reintroduction into Maurepas Swamp will channel up to 2,000 cubic feet of water per second along a 5.5-mile path into the swamp, aiming to restore about 45,000 acres where less than a third of the forest is currently healthy. 该项目由海湾海岸生态系统恢复理事会资助,预计到2028年将加强沼泽地的健康和复原力。 The project, funded by the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, is expected to enhance the swamp's health and resilience by 2028.