Manawa 将更换受损的大坝,在 10 月的强降雨后寻求国家资金。 Manawa to replace its damaged dam, seeking state funding after October's heavy rainfall.
马那瓦官员正计划取代该市在10月暴雨中遭受破坏后严重恶化的水坝。 Manawa officials are planning to replace the city’s severely deteriorated dam after it suffered damage in October's heavy rainfall. 市长Mike Frazier会见了州代表,讨论筹资备选方案,包括一笔赠款,占稳定河岸所需的560 000美元的75%。 Mayor Mike Frazier met with state representatives to discuss funding options, including a grant covering 75% of the $560,000 needed for streambank stabilization. 共同理事会将审查新大坝或漏泄道的替代办法,设计于2024年开始,于2025年建造。 The Common Council will review alternatives for a new dam or spillway, with design to start in 2024 and construction in 2025.