11月,美国增加了227,000个工作岗位,超过了预期,经济出现反弹。 U.S. adds 227,000 jobs in November, surpassing expectations and showing economic rebound.
11月,美国经济增加了227,000个工作岗位,超过了预期,并显示出就业强劲反弹。 The U.S. economy added 227,000 jobs in November, exceeding expectations and showing a strong rebound in employment. 电影和音乐产业的改善略微促进了这些成果。 The gains were slightly boosted by improvements in the movie and music industries. 此前几个月来,暴风雨和罢工减缓了就业增长,此后一段时期受到了这些风暴和罢工的影响。 This follows a period affected by storms and strikes that had slowed job growth in previous months.