由于粮食价格上涨和安全挑战,3 180万尼日利亚人面临严重的粮食短缺。 31.8 million Nigerians face acute food shortages due to rising food prices and security challenges.
根据国际发展伙伴,包括联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)和德国国际合作署(GEZ)的报告,由于取消燃料补贴和应对安全挑战,粮食商品价格上涨,导致粮食价格上升,导致3 180万尼日利亚人面临严重粮食短缺。 31.8 million Nigerians face acute food shortages due to rising food commodity prices resulting from the removal of fuel subsidies and security challenges, according to a report by international development partners including the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and GIZ. 这一危机导致妇女和儿童营养不良,与2023年被确定为易受粮食无保障影响的1 860万人相比,已大大加剧。 This crisis, which has led to malnutrition among women and children, has grown significantly from the 18.6 million people identified as vulnerable to food insecurity in 2023. 合作伙伴呼吁在民间社会组织和私营部门的参与下,采取多部门办法解决粮食安全问题。 Partners are calling for a multi-sectoral approach to tackling food security, involving civil society organizations and the private sector.