墨尔本犹太教堂疑似纵火袭击;当局调查可能的反犹恐怖主义。 Suspected arson attack on Melbourne synagogue; authorities investigate possible antisemitic terrorism.
墨尔本位于 Ripponlea 的 Adass Israel 犹太教堂周五凌晨成为疑似纵火袭击的目标。 Melbourne's Adass Israel Synagogue in Ripponlea was targeted in a suspected arson attack early Friday morning. 据报道,蒙面袭击者倒入助燃剂并放火烧毁了建筑物,造成了广泛的破坏。 Masked assailants reportedly poured accelerant and set the building on fire, causing extensive damage. 两人受轻伤被疏散。 Two people were evacuated with minor injuries. 当局将这起事件视为蓄意袭击,并已展开调查,敦促公众提供任何信息或录像。 Authorities are treating the incident as a deliberate attack and have launched an investigation, urging the public to provide any information or footage. 政治领袖和犹太团体强烈谴责这一行为,称其为反犹太恐怖主义。 Political leaders and Jewish groups strongly condemned the act, calling it antisemitic terrorism.