澳大利亚警方在墨尔本的一个犹太教堂在一次恐怖袭击中被纵火焚烧后,追捕三名嫌疑人。 Australian police hunt three suspects after a synagogue in Melbourne was set ablaze in a terrorist attack.
澳大利亚警方正在搜寻三名嫌犯, 一起恐怖分子纵火攻击墨尔本的Adass Israel犹太教堂。 Australian police are searching for three suspects in a terrorist arson attack on the Adass Israel Synagogue in Melbourne. 蒙面攻击者在黎明前放火烧了大楼,造成重大损坏,但没有严重受伤的报告。 The masked attackers set the building on fire before dawn, causing significant damage, though no serious injuries were reported. 这一事件引起了包括以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡在内的国际谴责。 The incident has drawn international condemnation, including from Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.