新的研究表明,两年来云层的减少可能会加速地球变暖。 Reduced cloud cover over two years may be accelerating Earth's warming, new study suggests.
《科学》的一项新研究表明,过去两年来云层覆盖的减少使得更多的阳光能够到达地球表面,导致最近的气温上升。 A new study in Science suggests that a decrease in cloud cover over the past two years has allowed more sunlight to reach Earth's surface, contributing to recent temperature increases. 反映阳光的低云的减少可能是由于自然过程、航运条例的改变或未知的气候反馈。 The reduction in low clouds, which reflect sunlight, may be due to natural processes, changes in shipping regulations, or unknown climate feedbacks. 地球反照率的下降 或反射力的下降 可能意味着地球变暖的速度比预期的要快 突出表明需要进行进一步的研究 以更好地了解这些动态 This decline in Earth's albedo, or reflectivity, could mean the planet is warming faster than anticipated, underscoring the need for further research to better understand these dynamics.