约翰·惠勒认为,今年冬天创纪录的高温与积雪极少有关,导致地表吸收更多阳光。 John Wheeler links this winter's record high temperatures to minimal snow cover, causing ground surfaces to absorb more sunlight.
约翰·惠勒将今年冬天创纪录的高温归因于缺雪。 John Wheeler attributes record high temperatures this winter to a lack of snow. 积雪覆盖的地面的反照率在 0.4 到 0.9 之间,反射 40-90% 的阳光,而黑暗、潮湿的土壤的反照率接近 0.0,吸收几乎所有的太阳辐射。 Snow-covered ground has an albedo between 0.4 and 0.9, reflecting 40-90% of sunlight, while dark, wet soil has an albedo near 0.0, absorbing almost all solar radiation. 今年的历史新高是在积雪极少的情况下发生的,导致地表吸收更多的阳光并导致气温升高。 This year's record highs have occurred with minimal snow cover, resulting in ground surfaces absorbing more sunlight and contributing to warmer temperatures.