Iain Gillespie教授在3 000万英镑的赤字和争议中辞去邓迪大学的职务。 Professor Iain Gillespie resigned from Dundee University amid a £30 million deficit and controversy.
Iain Gillespie教授辞去Dundee大学校长一职, 财政赤字达3000万英镑, Professor Iain Gillespie resigned as the Principal of Dundee University amid a financial deficit of £30 million and controversy over a £7,000 business trip to Hong Kong. 尽管采取了削减费用的措施,但由于财政困难,包括国际学生人数的减少,该大学面临就业削减。 Despite cost-cutting measures, the university faces job cuts due to financial difficulties, including a drop in international student numbers. Shane O'Neill将接任新领导人。 Shane O'Neill will take over as the new leader.