邓迪公司股东批准所有年度会议议题,选举所有候选人,并任命普华永道会计师事务所为审计师。 Dundee Corp shareholders approve all Annual Meeting items, elect all nominees, and appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Auditor.
邓迪公司宣布其年度股东大会投票结果。 Dundee Corporation announces voting results from its Annual Meeting of Shareholders. 所有事项均获得批准,包括聘任普华永道会计师事务所为审计师并授权董事确定审计师薪酬。 All items were approved, including appointing PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Auditor and authorizing directors to fix Auditor remuneration. 股东选举了全部七名候选人,其中 Tanya Covassin 和 Jonathan Goodman 获得最多选票。 Shareholders elected all seven nominees, with Tanya Covassin and Jonathan Goodman receiving the most votes.