卡拉马祖警方寻求帮助查明当地企业武装抢劫案的嫌疑人。 Kalamazoo police seek help identifying suspect in an armed robbery at a local business.
卡拉马祖警方寻求公众帮助, 查明12月3日南伯迪克街商店的武装抢劫案嫌疑人. Kalamazoo police seek public help identifying a suspect in an armed robbery at a South Burdick Street business on December 3. 嫌犯是身穿黑衣、戴滑雪面罩的5尺10寸黑人男子,他用枪威胁办事员,并拿走了一笔未披露数额的款项。 The suspect, a 5'10" Black male in black clothing with a ski mask, threatened the clerk with a gun and took an undisclosed amount of money. 安全录像可供查阅,敦促公众在269-337-8139或269-343-2100之间与当局联系,提供信息。 Security footage is available, and the public is urged to contact authorities at 269-337-8139 or 269-343-2100 with information.