6 月 25 日,一名蒙面劫匪持枪抢劫了密歇根州贝里恩泉的一家 Dollar General 商店,并抢劫了数额不详的现金。 A masked robber with a gun robbed a Dollar General store in Berrien Springs, MI on June 25, escaping with an unspecified amount of cash.
6 月 25 日上午 8 点 55 分,一名持枪蒙面劫匪抢劫了密歇根州贝里恩泉的一家 Dollar General 商店。 A masked robber armed with a gun robbed a Dollar General store in Berrien Springs, MI, on June 25 at 8:55 a.m. 该嫌疑人为黑人男性,身高 5 英尺 8 英寸至 6 英尺,身材瘦削,身穿黑色衣服,戴着黑色滑雪面罩,逃跑时携带了数额不详的现金。 The suspect, described as a Black male, 5'8" to 6 feet tall, thin build, wearing black clothing and a black ski mask, escaped with an unspecified amount of cash. 警方派出警犬进行搜寻,但搜寻了数百码后就失去了踪迹。 A K-9 search was conducted, but the trail was lost after several hundred yards.