林奇堡警方在 Wards Road 的 Walgreens 寻找武装抢劫嫌疑人。 Armed robbery suspect sought by Lynchburg Police at Walgreens on Wards Road.
Lynchburg警察局正在寻求帮助,以查明沃兹路Walgreens武装抢劫案的嫌疑人。 The Lynchburg Police Department is seeking help to identify a suspect in an armed robbery at Walgreens on Wards Road. 嫌犯是一名20到30岁深夜的黑人男性,他于上午8时50分左右用刀威胁一名雇员,然后用现金逃离。 The suspect, a black male in his late 20s to early 30s, threatened an employee with a knife around 8:50 a.m. before fleeing with cash. 他身高约5尺10寸,体重130磅,身着黑裤子、运动鞋、球帽和黑色和蓝色的汗衫。 He is approximately 5'10", weighs 130 lbs, and was wearing black pants, sneakers, a ball cap, and a black and blue hooded sweatshirt. 任何有情报的人 都会被敦促联系邦德警探或犯罪阻截者 Anyone with information is urged to contact Detective Bond or Crime Stoppers.