密苏里州独立城 Hawthorn Bank 持械抢劫案;年长的白人男性嫌疑人,头发花白,骑着一辆蓝色运动自行车逃跑。 Armed robbery at Hawthorn Bank in Independence, Missouri; older white male suspect with grey hair, fled on a blue sports bike.
周一上午,密苏里州独立城的 Hawthorn Bank 发生了一起武装抢劫案。 An armed robbery occurred at Hawthorn Bank in Independence, Missouri, on Monday morning. 嫌犯是一名长头发短灰色的白人男子,用火器威胁一名计票员,要求现金,然后乘一辆蓝色运动车逃跑。 The suspect, an older white male with short grey hair, threatened a teller with a firearm and demanded cash before fleeing on a blue sports bike. 事件发生在上午10时39分左右,据报没有人受伤。 The incident took place around 10:39 a.m., and no injuries were reported. 联邦调查局正在调查并寻求公共援助,以获得有关嫌疑人的信息。 The FBI is investigating and seeking public assistance for information on the suspect. 提示可以提交到 tips.fbi.gov. Tips can be submitted at tips.fbi.gov.