印度和巴基斯坦警告公民,由于暴力和叛军不断升级,叙利亚境内存在危险。 India and Pakistan warn citizens of dangers in Syria due to increasing violence and rebel advances.
印度和巴基斯坦已发布旅行建议, 警告本国公民不要因暴力和动乱升级而前往叙利亚。 India and Pakistan have issued travel advisories warning their citizens against traveling to Syria due to escalating violence and unrest. 建议印度国民立即离开该国,同时敦促巴基斯坦公民极为谨慎地行事并与大使馆保持联系。 Indian nationals are advised to leave the country immediately, while Pakistani citizens are urged to exercise extreme caution and stay in contact with their embassy. 随着反叛部队取得领土收益,从叙利亚政府部队手中夺取关键地区,这些咨询意见就发出。 The advisories come as rebel forces make territorial gains, capturing key areas from Syrian government forces.