阿萨德政权垮台后,印度因政治动乱从叙利亚撤出75名公民。 India evacuated 75 citizens from Syria due to political unrest after Assad's regime fell.
印度在阿萨德总统政权倒台后的政治动乱中,从叙利亚撤出了75名公民,其中包括44名来自查谟和克什米尔的公民。 India evacuated 75 of its citizens, including 44 from Jammu and Kashmir, from Syria amid political unrest following the fall of President Assad's regime. 这次行动由印度驻大马士革和贝鲁特大使馆协调,使撤离者安全进入黎巴嫩,并计划通过商业航班返回印度。 The operation, coordinated by Indian embassies in Damascus and Beirut, saw the evacuees safely cross into Lebanon and plan to return to India via commercial flights. 外交部出于安全考虑进行了疏散。 The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) conducted the evacuation due to security concerns.