联合王国理事会因未能向有残疾儿童的家庭提供安全住房而受到批评,从而导致赔偿。 UK councils criticized for failing to provide safe housing to families with disabled children, leading to compensation.
曼彻斯特市议会和Bromsgrove和Worcestershire市议会因未能向有残疾儿童的家庭提供适当的住房而遭到批评。 Manchester City Council and councils in Bromsgrove and Worcestershire have faced criticism for failing to provide suitable accommodation to families with disabled children. 在曼彻斯特,一个家庭在一个有危险的楼梯的不合适的家中度过了18个月,导致缺乏睡眠和不安全的条件。 In Manchester, a family spent 18 months in an unsuitable home with dangerous staircases, leading to a lack of sleep and unsafe conditions. 该理事会道歉并赔偿了该家庭3 600英镑。 The council apologized and compensated the family £3,600. 同样,Bromsgrove和Worcestershire理事会被指责在为残疾儿童改造住房方面延误,迫使家庭接受临时照料。 Similarly, Bromsgrove and Worcestershire councils were faulted for delays in adapting a home for a disabled child, forcing the family into respite care. 两个理事会都同意支付补偿并改进其政策。 Both councils agreed to pay compensation and improve their policies.