Wosterstershire县议会根据监察员的裁决,对残疾失职儿童表示道歉,并必须予以补偿。 Worcestershire County Council apologizes and must compensate after failing disabled children, as ruled by an ombudsman.
Wwostershire县议会未能对弱势儿童进行适当的教育和治疗,未能按照地方政府和社会福利监察员的裁决,将残疾儿童安置在不合适的家中,因此表示道歉。 Worcestershire County Council has apologized after failing to properly educate and provide therapy for a vulnerable child and placing a disabled child in an unsuitable home, as ruled by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. 该理事会现在必须支付赔偿金,并在三个月内遵循LGSCO的建议。 The council must now pay compensation and follow LGSCO recommendations within three months. 尽管道歉,但理事会代表Marcus Hart说,这些案件是罕见的例外情况,并指出可能有更多的未报告问题。 Despite the apology, the council's representative Marcus Hart stated these cases are rare exceptions and noted there may be more unreported issues.