爱尔兰高等法院七人组成的一个家庭,审理装模作样的理事会住房问题,对理事会的非无家可归决定提出异议。 A family of seven appeals Irish High Court for mould-ridden council housing, disputing council's non-homelessness decision.
7个家庭将Leitrim县议会提交爱尔兰高等法院,质疑该委员会关于他们不无家可归的决定。 A family of seven is taking Leitrim County Council to the Irish High Court, challenging the council's decision that they are not homeless. 家庭声称,由于五年前理事会提供的模具式住房,家庭遭受了健康问题,他们声称理事会为解决模具问题所作的努力是不够的。 The family claims to have suffered health issues due to a mould-ridden house provided by the council five years ago, and they allege the council's efforts to address the mould problem were insufficient. 家庭寻求一项命令,推翻该委员会关于他们不是无家可归者的决定,要求提供适当的紧急住房。 The family seeks an order quashing the council's decision that they are not homeless, demanding suitable emergency accommodation.