泰特航线承认塔斯马尼亚港口建设的错误, 在苏格兰停泊价值9亿美元的渡轮, 直到2027年. TT-Line admits error in Tasmanian port construction, stranding $900M ferry in Scotland until 2027.
TT-Line是塔斯马尼亚渡轮精神的运营者,承认在德文港建立所需港口基础设施有错误,使首艘9亿美元的新渡轮滞留在苏格兰。 TT-Line, the operator of the Spirit of Tasmania ferries, admits a mistake in building the required port infrastructure in Devonport, leaving the first new $900 million ferry stranded in Scotland. 该港口预计要到2027年才能准备就绪,第二艘渡轮将于2025年抵达。 The port isn't expected to be ready until 2027, with the second ferry due in 2025. 该公司正面临审查,目前正在探索租赁方案,而塔斯马尼亚政府每周为该船在苏格兰的泊位支付超过47,000美元。 The company is facing scrutiny and is now exploring leasing options, while the Tasmanian government pays over $47,000 a week for the vessel's berth in Scotland.