政府支持的计划在2027年之前为温哥华、鲍恩岛和吉布森发射两艘电渡轮。 Governmentendorsed plan launches two electric ferries for Vancouver, Bowen Island, and Gibsons by 2027.
各级政府的代表都赞同绿线海洋公司的一项计划,即到2027年启动两艘连接温哥华市中心与鲍恩岛和吉布森的全电渡船。 Representatives from all levels of government have endorsed a plan by Greenline Marine Inc. to launch two all-electric ferries connecting downtown Vancouver with Bowen Island and Gibsons by 2027. 耗资6 000万美元的项目旨在减少拥堵和改善空气质量,渡轮每天在温哥华和鲍恩岛之间运行三次,在温哥华和吉布森之间每天运行四次。 The $60 million project aims to cut congestion and improve air quality, with ferries to run three times daily between Vancouver and Bowen Island, and four times daily between Vancouver and Gibsons. 预计这项服务将产生多达100万美元的收入,并减少500次汽车旅行。 The service is expected to generate up to $1 million in revenue and reduce 500 car trips.