塔斯马尼亚州政府花费超过316 000美元向芬兰运送当地货物用于渡轮建设。 Tasmanian government spends over $316,000 sending local goods to Finland for ferry construction.
塔斯马尼亚纳税人花费超过316 000美元将当地货物运往芬兰,以建造新的塔斯马尼亚渡轮精神。 Tasmanian taxpayers have spent over $316,000 transporting local goods to Finland for the construction of new Spirit of Tasmania ferries. 劳工的Anita Dow批评缺乏透明度, 要求总理Jeremy Rockliff披露所有额外费用。 Labor's Anita Dow has criticized the lack of transparency and called for Premier Jeremy Rockliff to disclose all additional costs. 政府面临对运费和向芬兰运送材料的必要性的审查。 The government has faced scrutiny over the freight expenses and the necessity of shipping materials to Finland.