Tulsa的169号公路发生高速滚动坠毁事件,造成一人死亡,另一人重伤。 A high-speed rollover crash on Highway 169 in Tulsa killed one and critically injured another.
星期五深夜,在Tulsa61街附近的169号公路上,发生了致命的翻滚事故。 A fatal rollover crash occurred on Highway 169 near 61st Street in Tulsa late Friday night. 该事件由高速造成,造成一人死亡,司机伤势严重。 The incident, caused by high speeds, resulted in one death and left the driver in critical condition. 这名乘客被弹射出医院,死在医院里。 The passenger was ejected and died at the hospital. 在试图避免坠机时,其他车辆也参与其中,并遭受损坏。 Other vehicles were also involved and sustained damage while trying to avoid the crash.