70%的澳大利亚老年人护理提供者担心,随着国家为老龄化人口做准备,成本和经济损失不断增加。 70% of Australian aged care providers are concerned about rising costs and financial losses as the country prepares for its aging population.
老年人和社区保健提供者协会的一项调查显示,70%的澳大利亚老年保健提供者关注该国为老龄人口做好准备的情况。 A survey by the Aged and Community Care Providers Association reveals that 70% of Australian aged care providers are concerned about the country's preparedness for its aging population. 关键问题包括成本上升,97%的人表示担忧,一半的住宅提供商报告了财政损失。 Key issues include rising costs, with 97% expressing worry, and financial losses reported by half of residential providers. 从2025年7月开始,政府的43亿美元家庭支助计划旨在援助140万澳大利亚人。 The government's $4.3 billion support-at-home scheme, starting in July 2025, aims to assist 1.4 million Australians. 劳动力短缺仍然是一个重大挑战。 Workforce shortages remain a significant challenge.