根据澳大利亚痴呆症全国调查,有三分之二的痴呆病人面临严重歧视。 2/3 of dementia patients face significant discrimination, according to Dementia Australia's national survey.
澳大利亚痴呆症患者进行的一项全国调查表明,三分之二的痴呆症患者遭受重大歧视,主要是来自社区成员的歧视。 A national survey by Dementia Australia indicates that two-thirds of individuals with dementia experience significant discrimination, primarily from community members. 该调查有2 000人参加,突出表明对痴呆症缺乏了解,痴呆症不是老龄化的正常部分。 The survey, conducted with 2,000 participants, highlights a lack of understanding about dementia, which is not a normal part of aging. 澳大利亚痴呆症患者呼吁提高认识,创建对痴呆症有爱护的社区,建议采取包容性合唱团和警察培训等举措,消除社会孤立。 Dementia Australia calls for increased awareness and the creation of dementia-friendly communities, recommending initiatives like inclusive choirs and police training to combat social isolation. 报告与痴呆症行动周同时提交。 The report coincided with Dementia Action Week.