11月,风力农场和其他可再生能源供应了超过三分之一的爱尔兰电力。 Wind farms and other renewables supplied over a third of Ireland's electricity in November.
11月,可再生能源满足爱尔兰电力需求的33.3%,其中风力农场占29%。 In November, renewable energy sources met 33.3% of Ireland's electricity demand, with wind farms contributing 29%. 电力总需求为3 041千兆瓦时,天然气发电占一半以上。 The total electricity demand was 3,041 GWh, and gas generation covered over half. EirGrid的目标是通过提高系统非同步渗透限制,提高电网的可再生能源能力,以实现政府80%可再生能源的目标。 EirGrid aims to boost the grid's capacity for renewables to meet the government's target of 80% renewable energy by increasing the system's non-synchronous penetration limit.