2021年7月,爱尔兰的风能发电月位居第三,生产了656千兆瓦时。 In July 2021, Ireland had its third-best wind energy generation month, producing 656 GWh.
爱尔兰在2021年7月创下了第三高风能发电月的记录,生产了656千兆瓦时。 Ireland experienced its third-best wind energy generation month on record in July 2021, with 656 gigawatt-hours (GWh) produced. Cork以80千瓦赫领先,Kerry以66千瓦赫领先,Galway以55千瓦赫领先。 Cork led with 80 GWh, followed by Kerry with 66 GWh and Galway with 55 GWh. 这凸显了在迈向零碳社会方面取得的进展,2024年头7个月,风力农场占电力总产量的32%。 This highlights progress towards a zero-carbon society, with wind farms accounting for 32% of total electricity production in the first seven months of 2024. 2024年7月的风力发电量与2023年同月相比下降了34%,原因是天气温暖,但风力发电量仍是有记录以来第三好的7月. July 2024 saw a 34% decline in wind generation compared to the same month in 2023 due to warm weather, but it remained the third-best July on record for wind power.