爱尔兰的电力使用量在星期三达到5 639兆瓦的新高峰,由于天气寒冷,打破了以前的纪录。 Ireland hit a new electricity usage peak of 5,639MW on Wednesday, breaking the previous record due to cold weather.
爱尔兰在星期三建立了新的电力消费记录,达到5 639兆瓦,超过了2024年1月的5 577兆瓦记录,因为气温寒冷。 Ireland set a new record for electricity consumption on Wednesday, reaching 5,639MW, surpassing the previous record of 5,577MW set in January 2024, due to freezing temperatures. EirGrid,电网运营商,预测冬季需求会达到高峰,达到5 834兆瓦,受到企业、新住宅和经济增长使用量增加的影响。 EirGrid, the grid operator, predicts winter demand could peak at 5,834MW, influenced by increased usage from businesses, new homes, and economic growth. 寒冷的天气减少了风力发电厂的产出,但新的发电厂和从英国进口的电力有助于确保今年冬季电力供应更加安全。 The cold weather has reduced output from wind power plants, but new power plants and imports from Britain are helping to ensure a more secure electricity supply this winter.