爱尔兰的风能贡献在2024年下降了3%,原因是电网问题,电价上涨。 Ireland's wind energy contribution fell 3% in 2024 due to grid issues, raising electricity prices.
2024年,爱尔兰风能占电力供应的份额下降了3%, In 2024, Ireland saw a 3% drop in wind energy's share of its electricity supply due to grid constraints, according to Wind Energy Ireland. 尽管风提供了近三分之一的电力,但电网不足迫使停电,导致电价上涨。 Despite wind providing nearly a third of all electricity, grid inadequacies forced shutdowns, leading to higher electricity prices. 到12月,平均批发价格从前一年的88.97欧元上升到每兆瓦小时136.99欧元。 The average wholesale price rose to €136.99 per megawatt-hour by December, up from €88.97 the year before. 爱尔兰风能公司首席执行官强调必须加强电网和扩大能源储存,以适应可再生能源的增长。 The CEO of Wind Energy Ireland emphasized the need to strengthen the grid and expand energy storage to accommodate renewable energy growth.