调查显示,法律系学生和新律师感到准备不足,面临歧视,两性薪酬差距存在。 Survey reveals law students and new lawyers feel unprepared, face discrimination, and a gender pay gap exists.
不列颠哥伦比亚省法律学会最近进行的一项调查发现,60%的法学学生和新律师对初级实践,特别是在争端解决和实践管理方面,感到无准备。 A recent survey by the Law Society of British Columbia found that 60% of law students and new lawyers feel unprepared for entry-level practice, especially in dispute resolution and practice management. 大约30%的人报告说在招聘或拉皮条过程中遭遇歧视或骚扰。 Around 30% reported encountering discrimination or harassment during recruitment or articling. 调查还揭示了两性工资差距,妇女的平均收入比男子高6%。 The survey also revealed a gender pay gap, with women earning 6% more on average than men. 这项研究涉及380名新入职律师,88名律师生和46名前律师生,180名校长,91名导师和27名招聘人员. The study involved responses from 380 new lawyers, 88 articling students, and 46 former articling students, along with 180 principals, 91 mentors, and 27 recruiters.