针对安大略省 Fanshawe College 的集体诉讼寻求为律师助理计划学生支付 $10M,指控疏忽、误导信息和违反消费者保护法。 Class-action suit against Fanshawe College in Ontario seeks $10M for Paralegal Program students, alleging negligence, misleading info, and Consumer Protection Act violations.
针对加拿大安大略省的Fanshawe学院提出的集体诉讼,要求对自2020年以来的助理法律课程中数百名学生赔偿1000万美元. A proposed class-action lawsuit against Fanshawe College in Ontario, Canada, seeks $10 million in damages for hundreds of students in its Paralegal Program since 2020. 该诉讼由 Eric K. Gillespie Professional Corporation 提起,指控疏忽、误导信息和违反安大略省消费者保护法。 Filed by Eric K. Gillespie Professional Corporation, the lawsuit alleges negligence, misleading information, and violations of Ontario’s Consumer Protection Act. 它声称该学院不符合安大略法律协会的要求,使学生没有为许可证考试做好准备。 It claims the college failed to meet Law Society Ontario requirements, leaving students unprepared for licensing exams. Fanshawe学院对此没有作出评论。 Fanshawe College has not commented on the matter.