Kansas首席大法官警告说,由于律师短缺,农村地区出现法律危机。 Kansas Chief Justice warns of a legal "crisis" in rural areas due to attorney shortages.
肯萨斯州首席大法官Marla Luckert警告说,由于律师短缺,法律服务、特别是农村地区的法律服务出现“危机”。 Kansas Chief Justice Marla Luckert warns of a "crisis" in legal services, especially in rural areas, due to a shortage of attorneys. 财政障碍和缺乏舒适设施是关键问题。 Financial barriers and lack of amenities are key issues. Luckert提议简化法律程序,支持自我代表制,并提供学费补偿,以吸引律师到农村地区。 Luckert proposes simplifying legal procedures, supporting self-representation, and offering tuition reimbursement to attract lawyers to rural areas. 她将在她向立法机构发表的司法状况咨文中详细说明这些及其他解决办法。 She will detail these and other solutions in her State of the Judiciary speech to the Legislature.