BC省新民主党政府考虑立法实现法律监管现代化,为律师、公证人和律师助理建立单一监管机构;批评者担心政府的控制会加强,律师的独立性会降低。 BC NDP government considers legislation to modernize legal regulation, creating a single regulator for lawyers, notaries, and paralegals; critics fear increased government control and reduced bar independence.
不列颠哥伦比亚省新民主党政府正在考虑立法使律师监管现代化,这引起了人们对政府过度干预和法律体系可能丧失独立性的担忧。 British Columbia's NDP government is considering legislation to modernize the regulation of lawyers, raising concerns about government overreach and potential loss of independence in the legal system. 拟议的改革旨在为律师、公证人和律师助理建立一个统一的法律监管机构。 The proposed changes aim to create a single legal regulator for lawyers, notaries, and paralegals under one umbrella. 批评者担心,新的监管委员会可能无法保证大多数当选律师,从而导致政府对法律职业的控制加强,并可能降低律师协会的独立性。 Critics worry that the new regulator board may not guarantee a majority of elected lawyers, leading to increased government control over the legal profession, and potentially reducing the bar's independence.