威尔士关爱论坛警告说,将有1.5亿英镑的资金缺口威胁护理院和医院。 Care Forum Wales warns of a £150 million funding gap threatening care homes and hospitals.
威尔士关爱论坛警告说,预算变动可能导致1.5亿英镑的资金缺口,威胁护理之家的倒塌,对医院施加额外压力。 Care Forum Wales warns that budget changes could lead to a £150 million funding gap, threatening the collapse of care homes and placing extra pressure on hospitals. 该团体呼吁提供紧急财政支助,或以国民保健制度的方式豁免国家保险和工资增长。 The group calls for emergency financial support or an NHS-style exemption from national insurance and wage increases. 五国集团支持这项运动,强调弱势个人和国民保健制度面临的风险。 The Five Nations Group supports this campaign, emphasizing the risk to vulnerable individuals and the NHS.