一名72岁的男子在旧金山附近的Ruby Princess游轮上坠落;目前正在进行搜查。 A 72-year-old man fell overboard from the Ruby Princess cruise ship near San Francisco; search is ongoing.
一名72岁的男子据信在星期一早上到达旧金山时,从鲁比公主号游轮上坠落。 A 72-year-old man is believed to have fallen overboard from the Ruby Princess cruise ship as it approached San Francisco on Monday morning. 该船刚刚完成前往墨西哥的五天旅行。 The ship had just completed a five-day trip to Mexico. 包括美国海岸警卫队以及海关和边境保护局在内的当局正在进行搜查和审查安全录像。 Authorities, including the U.S. Coast Guard and Customs and Border Protection, are conducting searches and reviewing security footage. 巡游公主向家人表示哀悼,并配合调查。 Princess Cruises has expressed condolences to the family and is cooperating with the investigation. 该船原计划前往夏威夷航行16天,现已延迟。 The ship, originally scheduled to depart for a 16-day Hawaiian voyage, has been delayed.