嘉年华游轮 Jubilee 救出了墨西哥女人岛附近一艘正在下沉的皮划艇中被困的两名男子;进行评估,然后转移到墨西哥海军舰艇上。 Carnival Cruise Ship Jubilee rescued two men stranded in a sinking kayak off Isla Mujeres, Mexico; evaluated, then transferred to Mexican Navy vessel.
嘉年华游轮 Jubilee 在墨西哥女人岛海岸救起一艘皮划艇上漂浮的两名男子。 Carnival Cruise Ship Jubilee has rescued two men who were floating in a kayak off the coast of Isla Mujeres, Mexico. 船沉没后,两人被困在皮划艇上,被游轮团队发现。 The duo had been stranded in the kayak after their boat sank, and were spotted by the cruise ship's team. 他们受到了船上的欢迎,并接受了医疗小组的评估,然后被转移到一艘墨西哥海军舰艇上。 They were welcomed onto the ship and evaluated by the medical team before being transferred to a Mexican Navy vessel. 嘉年华禧年号继续其定期前往罗阿坦岛红木湾的行程。 Carnival Jubilee continued with its regular trip to Mahogany Bay on Roatan Island.