阿联酋副总统在阿布扎比举行大规模军事游行,纪念《国家兵役法》颁布10周年。 UAE Vice President marks 10th anniversary of National Service Law with massive military parade in Abu Dhabi.
阿联酋副总统兼迪拜统治者谢赫·本·拉希德·阿勒马克图姆(Sheikh bin Rashid Al Maktoum)出席了在阿布扎比举行的《国家和预备役服务法》十周年纪念仪式。 Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE's Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, attended a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the National and Reserve Service Law in Abu Dhabi. 国内最大的阅兵游行「Waqfat Walaa」(Waqfat Walaa)彰显忠诚与爱国主义。 The event featured the country’s largest military parade, 'Waqfat Walaa,' highlighting loyalty and patriotism. 同时,巴基斯坦祝贺阿联酋庆祝第53国庆日,赞扬阿联酋的进步,并重申了牢固的联系。 Meanwhile, Pakistan congratulated the UAE on its 53rd National Day, praising its progress and reaffirming strong ties. 阿联酋领导人也庆祝国庆日,反思国家的征程,并对阿联酋目前的稳定和繁荣表示感谢。 UAE leaders also celebrated National Day, reflecting on the nation's journey and expressing gratitude for its current stability and prosperity.