阿联酋总统宣布2月28日为阿联酋教育日, UAE President declares February 28 as Emirati Day for Education, marking the 1982 graduation of first UAE teachers.
阿联酋总统谢赫穆罕默德·本·扎耶德·阿勒纳哈扬宣布2月28日为每年的阿联酋教育日。 UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan has proclaimed February 28 as the annual Emirati Day for Education. 这一天纪念1982年阿联酋大学第一批教师毕业,创始人谢赫·扎耶德出席了毕业典礼。 This date commemorates the 1982 graduation of the first teachers from UAE University, attended by the Founding Father, Sheikh Zayed. 该倡议突出了教育在国家发展中的关键作用,旨在表彰教育工作者,同时加强阿联酋对建立一个植根于阿联酋价值观的知识型社会的承诺。 The initiative highlights education's critical role in national development and aims to honor educators while reinforcing the UAE's commitment to building a knowledge-based society rooted in Emirati values.