阿联酋副总统向知名人士颁发政府和社区服务卓越奖。 UAE Vice President awards excellence in government and community service to notable figures.
阿联酋副总统兼迪拜统治者谢赫·本·拉希德向谢赫·阿姆马·本·胡迈德和谢赫·萨阿布·本·穆罕默德等知名人士颁发穆罕默德·本·拉希德政府杰出奖,表彰他们为政府和社区发展作出的贡献。 Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, the UAE's Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, presented the Mohammed bin Rashid Government Excellence Award to notable figures like Sheikh Ammar bin Humaid and Sheikh Theyab bin Mohamed for their contributions to government and community development. 仪式还表彰各国部长、教育工作者和保健专业人员在其领域内取得卓越成就。 The ceremony also recognized ministers, educators, and healthcare professionals for excellence in their fields. 该奖项旨在促进政府服务的高标准和创新。 The awards aim to promote high standards and innovation in government services.