阿联酋在阿布扎比和平论坛上庆祝伊蒂哈德开斋节,这是成立53周年。 UAE celebrates Eid Al Itihad, marking 53 years since founding, at Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace.
阿布扎比和平论坛在阿布扎比举行了庆祝伊蒂哈德节的仪式,纪念阿联酋成立53周年。 The Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace held a ceremony in Abu Dhabi to celebrate Eid Al Itihad, marking the 53rd anniversary of the UAE's founding. 容忍和共存部长谢赫·纳哈扬·本·穆巴拉克·阿勒纳哈扬和谢赫·阿卜杜拉·本·贝亚赫赞扬谢赫·扎耶德留下的遗产和该国对全球和平的承诺。 Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence, and Shaikh Abdullah bin Bayyah praised the legacy of Sheikh Zayed and the nation's commitment to global peace. 这次活动突出了阿联酋促进和谐的努力,并放映了一部关于和平倡议的纪录片。 The event highlighted the UAE's efforts to promote harmony and featured a documentary on peace initiatives.