阿联酋纪念日向烈士及其家属致敬,强调民族服务和爱国主义。 UAE's Commemoration Day honors martyrs and their families, emphasizing national service and patriotism.
11月30日是阿联酋的纪念日, 悼念烈士, 包括军人、医护人员及其他为国捐躯者, The UAE's Commemoration Day, observed on November 30, honors martyrs including military personnel, healthcare workers, and others who died serving the nation. 穆罕默德·本·拉希德·阿克图姆谢赫·本·拉希德·阿勒马克图姆赞扬烈士家属的牺牲和韧性,强调他们在培养爱国主义方面的作用。 Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum praised the sacrifices and resilience of martyrs' families, emphasizing their role in fostering patriotism. 该活动于2015年被宣布为烈士日,突出显示阿联酋致力于支持这些家庭,维护国家忠诚和服务价值观。 The event, declared as Martyrs Day in 2015, highlights the UAE's commitment to supporting these families and upholding national values of loyalty and service.