美洲土著学生的失学率比同龄学生高, Native American students miss school more than their peers, with rates worsening post-pandemic.
美国土著美国学生的失学率高于其他学生,在这种流行病期间情况恶化。 Native American students in the U.S. are missing school at higher rates than other students, an issue that worsened during the pandemic. 34个州的数据显示,有一半美洲土著学生的缺勤率比2022-2023学年的州平均水平至少高出9个百分点。 Data from 34 states show that half had absenteeism rates for Native American students at least 9 percentage points higher than the state average in the 2022-2023 school year. 学校正在努力提高出勤率,加强与家庭的联系,提供现场保健服务,并照顾文化传统。 Schools are working to improve attendance by strengthening connections with families, providing on-site health care, and accommodating cultural traditions. 在俄克拉荷马州,部落和学校之间的合作使得土著学生旷课率低于州平均水平。 In Oklahoma, collaboration between tribes and schools has lowered Native student absenteeism below the state average. 尽管作出了这些努力,长期缺勤仍然是一个挑战,亚利桑那州等州的比率不断上升。 Despite these efforts, chronic absenteeism remains a challenge, with rates increasing in states like Arizona.