自2019年以来,南卡罗来纳州学校的长期缺勤率几乎翻了一番,反映出全国的趋势。 Chronic absenteeism in South Carolina schools has nearly doubled since 2019, mirroring a national trend.
在南卡罗来纳州,慢性缺勤率从2019年的15%增加到2021-22年的近30%。 Chronic absenteeism, defined as missing 10% of a school year, has surged in South Carolina, increasing from 15% in 2019 to nearly 30% in 2021-22. 这一趋势反映了一个全国性问题,全国26%的学生被认为长期不在。 This trend mirrors a national issue, with 26% of students nationally considered chronically absent. 这些因素包括安全问题、心理健康问题和远程学习的影响。 Factors include safety concerns, mental health issues, and the impact of remote learning. 长期缺勤严重影响学业成绩,长期缺勤的学生中只有23%在数学评估方面达到预期,而经常参加学习的学生中只有47.2%达到预期。 Chronic absenteeism significantly impacts academic performance, with only 23% of chronically absent students meeting expectations on math assessments compared to 47.2% of regularly attending students. 南卡罗来纳州正在通过提高公众认识运动和更严格的出勤政策作出回应。 South Carolina is responding with public awareness campaigns and stricter attendance policies.