2022-23学年,4名美国学生中有1名长期缺课,影响到42个州和华盛顿特区的1 200多万儿童。 1 in 4 US students were chronically absent during the 2022-23 school year, affecting over 12 million children in 42 states and Washington DC.
2022-23学年,美国学生中将近四分之一长期缺课,42个州和华盛顿特区有1 200多万儿童受到影响。 Nearly one in four US students remained chronically absent during the 2022-23 school year, with over 12 million children affected in 42 states and Washington DC. 学校正在努力解决出勤问题,查明出勤率下降的学生并提供支助,包括消除与父母的沟通差距、创造性办法,如每周为全学率支付50美元,以及努力建立归属感和提供心理健康支助。 Schools are working to address attendance issues by identifying students with slipping attendance and providing support, including initiatives such as communication gap closure with parents, creative approaches like $50 weekly payments for perfect attendance, and efforts to create a sense of belonging and provide mental health support. 加利福尼亚州奥克兰启动了一项计划,为45名学生每周支付50美元的完美学时费用,每天提供检查和每周的心理健康评估, Oakland, California launched a program that paid 45 students $50 weekly for perfect attendance and offered daily check-ins and weekly mental health assessments, resulting in over 60% of participants improving their attendance. 长期缺勤的学生面临更高的文盲、辍学和错过膳食、咨询和社交等学校资源的风险。 Chronically absent students are at higher risk of illiteracy, dropping out, and missing out on school resources like meals, counseling, and socialization.