男子在不列颠哥伦比亚省里士满被捕,此前他在中转站用刀和气枪威胁通勤者。 Man arrested in Richmond, BC, after threatening commuters with knife and airsoft gun at transit station.
在不列颠哥伦比亚省里士满,一名男子据称于12月1日用一把刀和一把气软手枪在加拿大一线车站对上下班者进行威胁。 In Richmond, British Columbia, a man allegedly threatened commuters with a knife and an airsoft pistol at a Canada Line station on December 1. 多份报告导致警方逮捕了他,因为他从扶梯上摔下来,放下了气软枪。 Multiple reports led police to arrest him after he fell down an escalator and dropped the airsoft gun. 嫌疑人被无伤拘留,调查仍在继续。 The suspect was taken into custody without injuries, and the investigation continues.