温尼伯一名男子手持刀具和石头,企图纵火焚烧油箱,用泰瑟枪射击失败后被警方击毙。 Man in Winnipeg, wielding knife and rock, shot by police after failed Taser attempt during attempted fuel tank arson.
在温尼伯,一名男子试图点燃一辆停放车辆的油箱,警方使用泰瑟枪未能制服他,随后开枪将其击毙。 In Winnipeg, a man attempting to set a parked vehicle's fuel tank alight was shot by police after they failed to subdue him with a Taser. 此次事件是在警方接到报警电话称一名男子在巴黎圣母院大道附近挥舞着刀和石头后发生的。 The incident occurred following a 911 call about the man wielding a knife and rock near Notre Dame Avenue. 该男子被送往医院,情况不稳定,后来情况稳定。 The man was taken to hospital in unstable condition and later upgraded to stable. 曼尼托巴省独立调查组正在调查这起警察枪击事件。 The Independent Investigation Unit of Manitoba is investigating the police shooting.