警方枪杀了一名持刀人,他在塔斯马尼亚州Lauenceston对公众进行威胁。 Police fatally shot a knife-wielding man who threatened the public in Launceston, Tasmania.
在塔斯马尼亚州劳伦斯斯顿,一名持刀男子在威胁公众和无视关于放下武器的警告后,被警察致命地射杀。 In Launceston, Tasmania, a knife-wielding man was fatally shot by police after threatening the public and ignoring warnings to drop his weapon. 这名男子被送往医院,后来死亡。 The man was taken to the hospital where he later died. 一名警官也受伤,但预计会康复。 A police officer was also injured but is expected to recover. 该名男子为警察所知,最初是在商店和街上威胁人们。 The man, known to police, had initially threatened people at a business and on the street. 目前正在对专业标准进行调查。 A professional standards investigation is underway.