尽管对受欢迎程度有争议, 但黑星期五和网络周一的在线支出都大幅增加。 Despite debate over popularity, both Black Friday and Cyber Monday saw significant increases in online spending.
com民调显示网络星期一比黑色星期五更受欢迎, 59%的美国人计划购物, 黑色星期五为53%。 A recent Bankrate.com poll indicates Cyber Monday is more popular than Black Friday, with 59% of Americans planning to shop compared to 53% for Black Friday. 然而,全国零售联合会(NRF)报告说,72%的人计划在黑色星期五购物,而只有39%的人计划在网络周一购物。 However, the National Retail Federation (NRF) reports that 72% plan to shop on Black Friday, while only 39% plan to shop on Cyber Monday. 尽管有争议,但两天的网上消费都增加了,网络星期一预计将达到132亿美元 (增长6%) 和黑色星期五108亿美元 (增长10%). Despite the popularity debate, both days saw increased online spending, with Cyber Monday expected to reach $13.2 billion (6% increase) and Black Friday at $10.8 billion (10% increase).