加拿大在网络购物中位居全球第五, 平均车价为210.91美元。 On Cyber Monday, Canada ranks fifth globally in online shopping with average cart values at $210.91.
今天是Cyber Monday, 黑色星期五后的主要网上购物日。 Today is Cyber Monday, a major online shopping day following Black Friday. 在加拿大,Shoppifify Inc.报告周末的平均车价为210.91美元,使加拿大在全球销售中名列第五位。 In Canada, Shopify Inc. reported the average cart value during the weekend was $210.91, placing Canada fifth globally in sales. 加拿大销售量最高的城市包括多伦多、蒙特利尔和温哥华。 Canada's top-selling cities include Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. 加拿大零售理事会估计,加拿大人今年将花费972美元购买假日购物,比2023年增加了73美元。 The Retail Council of Canada estimates Canadians will spend $972 on holiday shopping this year, up $73 from 2023. “网络星期一”是2005年全国零售联合会发明的,现在以其大额销售和交易闻名。 "Cyber Monday" was coined in 2005 by the National Retail Federation, now known for its big sales and deals.