加利福尼亚民主党承诺让州更负担得起, 在政治变迁中解决住房、能源成本问题。 California Democrats pledge to make state more affordable, tackle housing, energy costs amid political shifts.
加利福尼亚州顶级民主党,包括国会议长罗伯特·里瓦斯和参议院议长特姆·麦克·麦奎尔,正专注于让州在新的立法会议上更加负担得起。 Top California Democrats, including Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas and Senate President Pro Tem Mike McGuire, are focusing on making the state more affordable in the new legislative session. 他们计划处理住房、能源成本和公共基础设施等问题,同时也准备防范即将上任的特朗普政府可能采取的联邦政策。 They plan to address issues like housing, energy costs, and public infrastructure while also preparing to defend against potential federal policies from the incoming Trump administration. 尽管在最近的选举中失去了一些席位,但他们坚持他们的做法符合选民的需要,并将包括打击无家可归现象和犯罪的措施。 Despite losing some seats in recent elections, they insist their approach aligns with voter needs and will include measures to combat homelessness and crime.